
2024年,失业在家,我全职独立开发了一款设计软件,过得怎么样? 大家好,我是欧文。今天,我想和大家分享一段不一样的经历。2024年,我失业在家,但并没有选择闲下来。相反,我决定挑战自己,全职独立开发一款设计软件。那么,我过得怎么样呢?


小产品变现实战训练营第三期:开启你的副业赚钱之旅 你是否也曾梦想过打造一款自己的小产品,实现稳定的变现?现在,这个梦想离你只有一步之遥!小产品变现实战训练营第三期正式开售,全新升级实战回归,带你从零开始,一步步构建出完整的小产品,实现变现梦想。


我所理解的阅读的意义:深化思考,拓宽选择 在这个信息爆炸的时代,我们每天都在接收着海量的信息。短视频、社交媒体、口水歌……这些轻松易得的信息让我们在不知不觉中放弃了思考,陷入了“二极管思维”——非好即坏,无法客观判断事物。那么,如何从这个怪圈中走出来呢?我认为,阅读好书是一个非常好的方法。

Independent development, monthly income of 30K, first development of Sora AI video generator

Independent development earns 30K per month: Full analysis of Sora AI video generator development Do you want to develop independently and earn 30K per month? Follow in the footsteps of former Tencent senior engineers and build your own AI products together! Today, we will provide an in-depth analysis of the development process of Sora AI video generator, giving you a new understanding of independent development.

Independent Development Monetization Weekly (Issue 126): The app that cures panic earns US$83,000 per month

Breaking the Cage of Panic: Independent Developers Create a Mental Sanctuary for 2 Million Users Have you ever experienced that moment of panic where your heart races and you can’t breathe? Imagine that you are in a foreign country, with no support from family or friends around you, and even seeking professional help seems so out of reach. This is exactly what Daniel, the founder and creator of the rose app, encountered during his final year of college. However, he did not let this experience become a stumbling block in his life. Instead, he ignited a spark that changed the world.


超级个体的时代:如何成为独立开发者并打造属于你的产品? 我们生活在一个充满机会和挑战的时代。创业,这一勇敢的选择,摆在许多人面前,展现出两种截然不同的方向:一是朝着庞大和复杂的企业形态迈进,寻求上市和无限的扩张;另一种则是追求精简和高效,成为不需要庞大员工队伍支持的“超级个体”。尤其在AI技术日新月异的背景下,后者展现出了前所未有的潜力和魅力。


独立开发者的新起点:制作并销售付费课程 你是否曾梦想过将自己的知识和经验转化为收入,同时影响和帮助更多的人?对于独立开发者来说,制作并销售付费课程可能就是这样一个完美的起点。下面,让我们一起探讨为什么这会是一个不错的选择。

Independently developed product - minimalist clock, with over 5 million downloads and over 1 million overseas downloads, with a rating of 4.5

Minimalist Clock: Creativity and Success of Independent Developers Are you tired of complicated and feature-laden apps on your phone? Today, I want to introduce you to a unique clock application - minimalist clock. As its name suggests, this app fully demonstrates the minimalist style. It not only pursues simplicity in design, but also returns to authenticity in terms of functionality.

Domestic TOP independent development team: Mystery Technology, which has developed more than a dozen popular tool apps

Mini Technology: The leader in domestic independent development teams Have you ever been attracted by those mobile apps that are both beautiful and powerful? For example, the unique puzzle clock, the creative pattern text, or the highly designed puzzle vinyl OSCREEN. These popular tool applications in China are all produced by the same independent development team - Mini Technology.

Independent development case: Pure Writing - a writing APP with over 40 million downloads

Pure Writing: A text editor for safe creation Have you ever had the experience that when you were concentrating on writing, the software suddenly crashed and all your previous efforts were in vain? Or are you looking for a simple and pure writing tool that allows your words to flow naturally like water? If your answer is yes, then pure writing may be your best choice.

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